Kratom Taxonomy

Acknowledging that the term “kratom” cannot encompass all products derived from Mitragyna speciosa, it is important to develop a clear way of talking about kratom in its various forms. It is also important to distinguish between what is and what is not kratom or kratom derived. GKC endorses distinguishing between Mitragyna speciosa (the tree, i.e. “kratom”), leaf kratom (dried and ground kratom leaf), kratom extracts (that match the alkaloid profile of the leaf) and kratom isolates (isolated specific kratom alkaloids).

Kratom Definitions:

Kratom: Scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil., is a tropical evergreen tree in the Rubiaceae family which also includes coffee. Native to Southeast Asia - Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, among others - it can be consumed traditionally by chewing the fresh leaves or brewing them into a tea/decoction.

Leaf kratom is the dried leaves of the kratom tree. The leaves can be ground to different particle sizes after drying and then processed to reduce microbial load.

Kratom extracts are derived by exposing leaf kratom powder to solvents which has the effect of concentrating the active components of the plant while reducing the fibrous material.

Isolates are further processing of kratom extracts where one specific active component (for kratom, alkaloids) is concentrated and isolated.

Kratom derived isolates of individual alkaloids or synthetically derived alkaloids are a cause of concern for the industry. There is not enough known about the use of specific isolated alkaloids or synthetically derived alkaloids to determine their safety. These products cannot be considered under the taxonomy of kratom as they differ too greatly from the plant.

This is referenced in the following taxonomy diagram.