Kratom Research

Education is central to everything we do. We aim to empower individuals worldwide with access to accurate kratom information. Explore kratom research by topic below.

In Vitro

Explore the in vitro pharmacology of kratom and the active compounds extracted from the plant, alkaloids.

Kratom Use Patterns

Learn from survey and qualitative data how kratom has been used traditionally and in modern times to combat fatigue, improve mood, and decrease pain.

Preclinical In Vivo

Explore the preclinical in vivo studies of kratom and the active compounds extracted from the plant, alkaloids.

Kratom Alkaloids

Understand the two distinct areas of kratom research: studying the safety and efficacy of whole leaf kratom products vs. isolated kratom alkaloids.

Scientific Database

Explore our curated database of scientific research. Select a drop down below to view studies conducted on each of the topics.

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