Kratom Product Label Guidelines

Comprehensive, informative product labels are paramount for consumer safety.  Kratom dietary supplements are subject to Federal Dietary supplement standards as well as the labeling standards set out in the Kratom Consumer Protection Acts that have been passed in 13 states. To help vendors navigate this somewhat complex landscape, the Global Kratom Coalition created an example label to help ensure that vendor labels are compliant and give consumers the information they need to make informed consumption choices. We have pointed out the key attributes and current regulations that need to be followed and clearly marked on the label including ingredient percentages, warnings, manufacturer information, and more.  We encourage GKC members and kratom manufacturers to review and stay up to date on these regulations as they continue to evolve. 

*This is not legal advice and might not cover every legislated requirement. This is meant as a guide and a resource but does not replace the need to ensure that your product label is up to Federal and State legislation.